National Weather Service California Nevada River Forecast Center Department of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Weather Service

CNRFC Data Archive

The CNRFC maintains an archive of several of our products, including text, images, and gridded files. The archive is organized by year, month, and product folders.

To search the archive and download individual products:

  • Select an archived product from the drop-down menu
  • Select the year
  • Select the month
  • You can further narrow your search results:
    • View products for all days of the selected year and month (default)
    • Select products within a specific range of dates of the selected year and month

To batch-download files using a range of dates:

  • Select an archived product from the drop-down menu
  • Select the "Batch Download" tab below
  • Select start and end dates for the download

Scripted file downloads are also available for high-end users. See this document for details regarding archive directory structure and naming convention.

All archived text data are stored with the product name followed by the archive date/time stamp (YYYYMMDD.HHMMz) where 'YYYY' is the year, 'MM' is the month, 'DD' is the day, and 'HHMM' is Hour and Minutes in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Gridded files are stored in netCDF format (.nc extension) and zipped (.gz) to conserve disk space and reduce download times.  Click here for more details about the netCDF file archive.

The [MM/YYYY] located at the end of each item listed in the product menu is the earliest month/year that contains archived data for that particular item. An asterisk following the date (e.g. 12/2003*) indicates an incomplete dataset.

Select Archived Product:

Select Product Date:
View archived files for the year and month selected
View archived files for days between and of the year and month selected
          Please Note: When selecting a range of days, a specific product must be selected from the pull-down menu.

Select Viewing Option:
  - selected products will display and refresh in the same window
  - each selected product will display in a separate window or tab

Select Product Date Range:

Start Date:     End Date: