Drought Information
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CNRFC Climate/Drought Summary - Interactive Map Interface [Back to top]
A collection of climate- and drought-related information, including current U.S. Drought Monitor information as well as long-range forecast precipitation, temperature, and drought information.
Climate/Drought Information - Interactive Map Interface
United States Drought [Back to top]
National Weather Service - Drought Resources
Climate Prediction Center - United States Drought Monitoring
Climate Prediction Center - United States Drought Assessment
National Integrated Drought Information System - United States Drought Portal
California Department of Water Resources - Drought Information
U.S. Drought Monitor - Map Archive
United States Drought Monitor
California Nevada River Forecast Center Drought Monitor
California Drought Monitor |
Nevada Drought Monitor |
United States Monthly Drought Outlook
United States Seasonal Drought Outlook
Click on images above to view full size.
Local Drought Information Statements Issued by Weather Forecast Offices [Back to top]
WFO Medford, OR
WFO Eureka, CA
WFO Sacramento, CA
WFO San Joaquin Valley/Hanford, CA
WFO San Francisco Bay Area/Monterey, CA
WFO Los Angeles/Oxnard, CA
WFO San Diego, CA
WFO Reno, NV
WFO Elko, NV
WFO Las Vegas, NV
WFO Phoenix, AZ
Climate Tracker [Back to top]
Western Regional Climate Center - California
Western Regional Climate Center - Nevada
Drought Status - Reservoirs
United States Soil Moisture [Back to top]
Climate Prediction Center - United States Soil Moisture Monitoring
Climate Prediction Center - United States Temperature Data
Climate Prediction Center - United States Precipitation Data
Latest Month Averaged Temperature |
Latest Month Averaged Temperature Anomaly |
Click on images above to view full size. |
Latest Month Accumulated Precipitation |
Latest Month Accumulated Precip Anomaly |
Click on images above to view full size. |
Additional Data and Indices [Back to top]
Climate Prediction Center - Monitoring and Data Index
Climate Prediction Center - Teleconnections
Climate Prediction Center - Monthly Atmospheric and SST Indices
California Nevada River Forecast Center - El Niño and MJO (Including Eastern Pacific SST Data)
California Nevada River Forecast Center - Teleconnections (Including PNA/NAO/AO/AAO)
California Nevada River Forecast Center - Daily Water
Resources Update