CNRFC Precipitation Summary - Interactive Map Interface [Back to top] A summary of nearly 2000 precipitation stations located throughout southern Oregon, California, and Nevada displayed on an interactive map interface. Data are available for the past 1, 2, 3, 6, 12, and 24 hours as well as 6 and 24 hour data ending at synoptic times (00, 06, 12, and 18 UTC). Data are updated every 10 minutes between 05 and 55 minutes past the top of the hour. In addition, observed precipitation grids are available on the interactive map and are updated once each day in the morning. Also, KML files are available for download and use in Google™ Earth. Observed Precipitation - Interactive Map Interface CNRFC Precipitation Text Products [Back to top] A regional summary of precipitation for the past 1, 2, 3, 6, 12, and 24 hours for California, Nevada, and portions of southern Oregon. Updates hourly at 18, 28, 38, and 48 minutes after the hour. Alternate links are provided as a backup option. Precipitation Summary for the Past 1, 2, 3, 6, 12 & 24 Hours - [Alternate Link] A summary of hourly precipitation for the past 6 hours for California, Nevada, and portions of southern Oregon. Gages are arrranged alphabetically by NWS Location Identifier. Updates hourly at 20, 30, 40, and 50 minutes after the hour. Hourly Precipitation Summary for the Past 6 Hours A summary of 6 hour and 24 hour precipitation ending at 5 AM PDT updated 8:00 AM PDT. 6/24-Hour Precipitation Summary - [Alternate Link] A summary of precipitation since midnight, current seasonal totals (since October 1), and comparison to last year's seasonal totals. Precipitation totals are ending at 5 PM PDT. This product is updated at 7:00 PM PDT with a second pass at 9:00 PM PDT. Climate Station Precipitation Summary - [Alternate Link] Observed 24-hour Basin Precipitation and next 24 Hour Basin QPF/Freezing Levels 24-Hour Basin QPE/QPF/Freezing Level CNRFC Graphical Precipitation Maps [Back to top] Gridded Precipitation Maps
Small-Scale Precipitation Gage Maps
Regional Large Scale Precipitation Gage Maps
24-Hour Precipitation Map Archive Since November 9, 2005, 24-hour precipitation gage maps for the entire CNRFC area, northern California, southern California, and Nevada are being archived and available for retrieval. An incomplete set of the gridded version for the entire CNRFC area is also available (back to 04/18/2003). The 24-hour period runs from 4am-4am during PST (5am-5am PDT). The file naming convention uses the ending date, so for example, today's date will provide precipitation data for the past 24 hours ending at 4am PST (5am PDT) this morning. Additionally since April 6, 2006, gage map subareas are being archived and available for retrieval. Please Note: Precipitation gage maps are available daily after 4:30 am PST (5:30 am PDT). The CNRFC Grid map is available after 8:30 am PST (9:30 am PDT). Please note that the maps display data from automated gages that have not been verified for accuracy. National Precipitation Graphics [Back to top] The National Weather Service generates a graphical representation of short-term observed and climatic trends of precipitation. This precipitation analylsis is available for the lower 48 United States (CONUS) and Puerto Rico. Monthly Observed Precipitation - NWS Cooperative Observers [Back to top] The following are data from NWS cooperative observers for the current water year and historically back to Water Year 2002. The water year starts on October 1 of the previous reference year and ends on September 30 of the reference year. (For example, the 2010 Water Year begins on October 1, 2009 and ends on September 30, 2010.) Precipitation data is provided for each month of the current water year, total precipitation for the water year, the percent of normal for the water year to date, and the percent of the entire water year received to date. Other Precipitation Links [Back to top]
Northern Sierra 8-Station Precipitation Index | Graphical - California Dept. of Water Resources |