The text and graphical products below display instantaneous freezing level data for each synoptic 6-hour (00, 06, 12 and 18 UTC) for the next 5 days across the CNRFC area of responsibility. In most cases, this freezing level forecasts are converted into basin Mean Areal Freezing Level (MAZ) and serve as input into our hydrologic models. Freezing Level images are issued daily at 8:00 AM. During CNRFC winter operations (Oct 15 - Apr 15), images are updated again at 1:30 PM daily with additional issuances as needed during extended hours of operation. CNRFC Freezing Level Summary - Interactive Map Interface [Back to top] CNRFC observed and forecast freezing level grids are available on an interactive map interface in 6-hourly increments. Observed grids are updated once daily in the morning, while forecast grids are updated as described above in the description of Freezing Level images. In addition, KML files are available for download and use in Google™ Earth. Freezing Levels - Interactive Map Interface CNRFC Text Freezing Level Products [Back to top]
CNRFC Graphical Freezing Level Products [Back to top]