National Weather Service California Nevada River Forecast Center Department of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Weather Service

Historical Graphical River Forecast

This interface is used to display graphical verification plots comparing our graphical River Forecasts with plots of observed river gage data, from an archive dating back to January 1, 2003. The top portion of the display shows forecast vs. observed Rain + Melt (inches), while the lower portion shows a plot of forecast vs. observed stage (feet) and discharge (cfs). Forecast data are plotted in green and observed are plotted in blue. Feedback and/or suggestions to improve the interface are welcome. Contact our CNRFC Webmaster with any recommendations. Thank you.

Step 1 Select Location:  

Step 2 Select Forecast Date:                   Month:      Day:      Year:  

Step 3 Select Forecast Time Cycle (Greenwich Mean Time):    Time Cycle: 

Optional Step 4 Display Option (single image or loop):       Display: 

Step 4 Input Selection and Retrieve Graphical RVF:              

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