National Weather Service California Nevada River Forecast Center Department of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Weather Service


Latitude: 39.03º NLongitude: 123.13º WElevation: 498 Feet
Location: Mendocino County in CaliforniaRiver Group: Russian Napa
Monitor Stage: N/A Flood Stage: 15.0 Feet

Observed Data Credit
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Raw streamflow data is provided by the US Geological Survey (USGS).
View USGS Data for this station location.

Historical Stage/Flow Data
Water Year
Peak Discharge (cfs)
Stage (feet)
 Most Recent 5 Years
Dec 31, 2022
Oct 24, 2021
Feb 2, 2021
Jan 16, 2020
Feb 27, 2019
 Historical High Stage/Flow Events (Period of Record - Oct 1939 to Present) - Ranked by Flow
Dec 22, 1955
Dec 22, 1964
Jan 16, 1974
Dec 31, 2005
Feb 17, 1986
 * Discharge affected by regulation or diversion
Location Photographs
ESRI™ Locator Map
Official 7 Day National Weather Service Forecast   (CAZ113)
Tonight: Rain in the evening, then chance of rain overnight. Snow level 3000 to 3500 feet. Lows 33 to 43. Southwest wind around 20 mph in the evening. Gusts up to 35 mph.

Friday: Partly cloudy. Scattered rain showers and snow showers in the morning, then isolated rain showers in the afternoon. Snow level 2500 to 3000 feet. Highs 44 to 54.

Friday Night: Clear. Lows 25 to 35.

Saturday: Sunny. Highs 46 to 56.

Saturday Night and Sunday: Clear. Lows 26 to 36. Highs 46 to 59.

Sunday Night: Clear. Lows 26 to 36.

Monday: Sunny. Highs 47 to 57.

Monday Night: Partly cloudy. Lows 26 to 36.

Tuesday: Mostly sunny in the morning then becoming mostly cloudy. Chance of rain and snow. Highs 43 to 53.

Tuesday Night: Mostly cloudy. Chance of rain and snow. Lows 27 to 37.

Wednesday: Mostly cloudy. Rain and snow. Highs 44 to 54.

Wednesday Night and Thursday: Rain. Lows 32 to 42. Highs 42 to 54.
Flood Impacts
30.0 FeetDisastrous flooding. Many homes and businesses damaged. Numerous primary and secondary roads and some bridges could be washed out. This is equal to the highest known stage, which occurred in December 1937. 6500 acres were inundated by flood waters.
28.0 FeetDisastrous flooding will occur. Many homes and businesses could be damaged. Many primary and secondary roads and some bridges could be washed out.
27.0 FeetWidespread major flooding. At the forecast level, over 500 homes and farm buildings were damaged on December 22, 1955. 6300 acres of land were inundated by flood waters. All persons in the areas area urged to move to high ground and take appropriate action to protect life and property.
26.0 FeetWidespread major flooding will occur. Primary roads and some bridges will flood.
25.0 FeetSevere bank erosion is likely with widespread flooding of farmland, buildings, and low-lying homes in the Hopland, Ukiah, and Talmage areas. Many secondary roads will be flooded. This level of flooding caused 6100 acres to flood in February 1940.
24.0 FeetFlooding of low-lying stuctures and farmland in the Hopland, Ukiah, and Talmage ares. Many secondary roads may also be flooded. Severe bank erosion is possible.
23.0 FeetFlooding of farmland, buildings, and low-lying homes in the Hopland area. Flooding will begin in the Ukiah and Talmage areas.
21.0 FeetFlooding of low-lying structures just west of the railroad tracks near Hopland.
20.0 FeetFlooding of low-lying structures east of the railroad tracks near Hopland.
18.0 FeetFlooding of Highway 222 near Ukiah. Secondary roads in low-lying areas will be flooded in the Hopland, Ukiah, and Talmage areas.
17.0 FeetSignificant flooding of Highway 175 at the approaches to the Russian River bridge. Minor flooding of Highway 222 near Ukiah, and in crop land along the left and right banks of the Russian River near Hopland.
15.0 FeetFlooding of Highway 175 is expected at the approaches to the Russian River bridge. Expect flooding of cropland on the right bank of river.
Product Disclaimer

This river graphic is not intended to serve as a substitute for official flood watches, warnings, advisories, or statements issued by the NWS Eureka Weather Forecast Office. Observations are preliminary and subject to change. River levels identified as "forecast" should be consistent with those contained in official NWS products. River levels identified as "guidance" have significant uncertainty due to future weather or reservoir regulation and are provided for planning purposes only.