National Weather Service California Nevada River Forecast Center Department of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Weather Service


Latitude: 38.38º NLongitude: 119.45º WElevation: 6591 Feet
Location: Mono County in CaliforniaBulletin Group: Eastern SierraRiver Group: Eastern Sierra
Action/Monitor: 5.5 FeetMinor Flood: 6.0 FeetModerate Flood: 6.8 FeetMajor Flood: 7.3 Feet

Observed Data Credit
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Raw streamflow data is provided by the US Geological Survey (USGS).
View US Geological Survey (USGS) Data for this station location.

Historical Stage/Flow Data
Water Year
Peak Discharge (cfs)
Stage (feet)
 Most Recent 5 Years
Jun 19, 2023
Oct 25, 2021
May 7, 2021
Apr 29, 2020
Jun 7, 2019
 Historical High Stage/Flow Events (Period of Record - Apr 1938 to Present) - Ranked by Flow
Jan 02, 1997
Nov 20, 1950
Dec 11, 1937
Dec 23, 1955
May 16, 1996
 * Numerous small gage location changes, some including datum changes, prior to Mar 1997.
Location Photographs
ESRI™ Locator Map
Flood Impacts
10.5 FeetIncredible flood disaster with massive and uncertain impacts in excess of the January 1997 event.
10.0 FeetFlood of record. Highway 395 in West Walker River Canyon closed for months. Massive destruction to infrastructure and economy including transportation, power, water, homes, businesses, etc. Area isolated. Near this flow in January 1997 a 6.5-mile stretch of Highway 395 completely scoured with debris from the canyon deposited in the town of Walker.
9.5 FeetNear record flooding. Area cut off as most transportation routes into area destroyed or flooded. Massive destruction of infrastructure and economy including utilities, roads, business, homes, etc.
8.5 FeetFlood disaster from Walker River Canyon through Antelope Valley. Widespread flood damage to roads, bridges, homes and structures along river. Severe damage to Highway 395 in W Walker River Canyon with the highway likely closed. Historically this flow has been exceeded only once in January 1997.
8.0 FeetFlooding near disaster levels in the West Walker Canyon and in Antelope Valley. Numerous structures flooded and roads washed out. Sections of Highway 395 likely destroyed in West Walker Canyon. Major damage to agricutural land due to erosion and destroyed diversion dams, headgates, canals and levees. Similar to the 2nd highest flood of record in November of 1950, and only exceeded in January 1997.
7.3 FeetMajor flooding in the West Walker River Canyon and in Antelope Valley including Walker, Coleville and Topaz California. Many buildings flooded and roads washed out. Major damage to agricultural lands. Extensive sandbagging required to protect propery. Transportiation affected. Damage to Highway 395 in the West Walker Canyon likely. Similar to the 4th highest peak flow in the 85 year gage record.
6.8 FeetModerate flooding of lowlands, agricultural land, yards, basements and rural roads in the West Walker River Canyon and in Antelope Valley including Walker, Coleville and Topaz California. Flooding of structures limited although some sandbagging necessary Roughly similar, but slightly below the June 2017 peak.
6.5 FeetExpanding minor flooding of lowlands, pastures and some rural roads between the West Walker River Canyon and Topaz Lake, including Walker Coleville and Topaz California. Out of bank flows may cause significant erosion of agricuturural lands. Similar to the peak of June 2023.
6.0 FeetFlood stage. Minor flooding of lowlands pasture & rural roads in Antelope Valley including Walker, Coleville and Topaz California. Roughly similar to June 2019 and October 2021 crests.
5.5 FeetMonitor Stage, No flooding in reach from West Walker River Canyon through Antelope Valley CA including Walker, Coleville, Topaz CA.
Official 7 Day National Weather Service Forecast   (CAZ073)
Tonight: Heavy snow and rain in the evening, then chance of snow and rain after midnight. Snow level 7000 to 7500 feet. Snow accumulation of 7 to 13 inches. Lows 24 to 34. Southwest winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 60 mph. Ridge gusts up to 100 mph.

Friday: Mostly cloudy in the morning then clearing. Chance of snow. Snow accumulation of 1 to 4 inches. Highs 38 to 48. Southwest winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 55 mph. Ridge gusts up to 95 mph decreasing to 80 mph in the afternoon.

Friday Night: Clear. Lows 4 to 14. West winds 10 to 15 mph.

Saturday: Sunny. Highs 38 to 48. West winds 10 to 15 mph.

Saturday Night: Clear. Lows 1 to 11. Northwest winds around 10 mph in the evening becoming light.

Sunday: Sunny. Highs 35 to 45.

Sunday Night: Clear. Lows 3 to 13.

Monday: Sunny. Highs 37 to 47.

Monday Night: Partly cloudy. Lows 8 to 18.

Tuesday: Partly cloudy. Slight chance of snow in the afternoon. Highs 32 to 42.

Tuesday Night and Wednesday: Mostly cloudy with a chance of snow. Lows 4 to 14. Highs 33 to 43.

Wednesday Night: Snow likely. Lows 14 to 24.

Thursday: Breezy. Snow likely in the morning, then heavy snow in the afternoon. Highs 35 to 45.
Product Disclaimer

This river graphic is not intended to serve as a substitute for official flood watches, warnings, advisories, or statements issued by the NWS Reno Weather Forecast Office. Observations are preliminary and subject to change. River levels identified as "forecast" should be consistent with those contained in official NWS products. River levels identified as "guidance" have significant uncertainty due to future weather or reservoir regulation and are provided for planning purposes only.