National Weather Service California Nevada River Forecast Center Department of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Weather Service

Raw ESP Water Supply Forecast

*CAUTION: Data below is raw model output and has not been reviewed
*         by a hydrologist.

Program run: 07/26/2024 1706Z
Data ending: 07/26/2024 12Z
* All units are in thousands of acre-feet.

Station: SHDC1 (Sacramento - Shasta Dam)


October    Obs:  186.7  Mean:  228.3  WY-to-date: Obs:  186.7 Mean:  228.3
2023       % of mean:    82% 

November   Obs:  203.4  Mean:  304.6  WY-to-date: Obs:  390.1 Mean:  532.9
2023       % of mean:    67% 

December   Obs:  310.2  Mean:  540.4  WY-to-date: Obs:  700.3 Mean: 1073.3
2023       % of mean:    57% 

January    Obs:  750.6  Mean:  696.5  WY-to-date: Obs: 1450.8 Mean: 1769.7
2024       % of mean:    108% 

February   Obs: 1230.9  Mean:  803.5  WY-to-date: Obs: 2681.7 Mean: 2594.7
2024       % of mean:    153% 

March      Obs: 1037.4  Mean:  909.7  WY-to-date: Obs: 3719.1 Mean: 3504.5
2024       % of mean:    114% 

April      Obs:  644.2  Mean:  642.9  WY-to-date: Obs: 4363.3 Mean: 4147.4
2024       % of mean:    100% 

May        Obs:  459.3  Mean:  502.8  WY-to-date: Obs: 4822.7 Mean: 4650.2
2024       % of mean:    91% 

June       Obs:  255.6  Mean:  317.4  WY-to-date: Obs: 5078.2 Mean: 4967.6
2024       % of mean:    81% 

July       Obs (thru 26@12Z):  175.5    Mean:  229.9  WY-to-date: Obs: 5253.7 Mean: 5143.6
2024       Prob. level:      90    75    50    25    10
           Fcst Residual:    37    37    37    37    37
           Obs + Fcst:      213   213   213   213   213
           % of mean:                    93% 

August     Mean:  202.1
2024       Prob. level:      90    75    50    25    10
           Forecast:        191   191   191   192   194
           % of mean:                    95% 

September  Mean:  195.3
2024       Prob. level:      90    75    50    25    10
           Forecast:        182   182   184   188   194
           % of mean:                    94% 


Water Year Obs-To-Date: 5253.7    Mean: 5573.4
WY2024     Prob. level:      90    75    50    25    10
           Fcst Residual:   404   405   408   411   418
           Obs + Fcst:     5658  5658  5662  5665  5671
           % of mean:                   102%