Flood Impacts |
49.5 Feet | Flood of record. 2/18/1986 (102,000cfs). |
48.5 Feet | Near record flooding. In Guerneville the Veterans building and the Sheriffs substation begin to flood. |
47.0 Feet | In Guerneville businesses on the north side of Main Street flood. Travel most areas impossible. |
46.0 Feet | Disastrous flooding. In Guerneville much of downtown floods. The Guerneville post office begins to flood. In Rio Nido, River Road floods. |
45.0 Feet | Disastrous flooding is forecast to occur along the lower Russian River. Much of downtown Guerneville will become inundated. Many roads will flood making travel nearly impossible throughout the reach. |
44.0 Feet | In Guerneville HWY 116 west of town closed. Safeway floods. In Monte Rio and Guerneville Park the main business sections flood. Travel in most areas nearly impossible. |
41.5 Feet | In Guerneville, River Road closed. In Monte Rio the main intersections flood. Monte Rio Elementary School begins to flood. |
40.0 Feet | Major flooding is expected along the Russian River. In Guerneville travel on River Road becomes very difficult. In Northwood upper Redwood Drive floods. In Cazadero Austin Creek Road floods. |
39.0 Feet | West of Duncan Mills HWY 116 is closed. In Hacienda River Road floods. In Rio Nido Canyon 7 Road at the miniture golf course floods. In Guerneville the Triple R Resort begins to flood. |
38.0 Feet | In Duncan Mills Freezeout Road at Moscow Road floods. In Guerneville Park Cazadero Road at HWY 116 floods. |
37.0 Feet | In Forestville Mirabel Road at River Road floods. In Guerneville River Road east of Guerneville floods. Mill Street and 5th Street flood. In Monte Rio River Blvd east of Monte Rio floods. |
36.0 Feet | In Forestville Mirabel Park Resort and Mirabel trailer park flood. In Guerneville Fern Road at HWY 116 floods. |
35.0 Feet | Moderate flooding is forecast along the lower Russian River. Numerous businesses and residences in the lowest sections of towns within the reach are expected to flood. In Guerneville Brookside Resort begins to flood. More extensive flooding occurs at Parkers Resort. In Northwood lower Redwood Drive floods. |
34.0 Feet | In Guerneville flooding begins at Johnsons Resort, Parkers Resort, Creekside Resort and Riverside Park. In Northwood lower Redwood Drive begins to flood. |
33.0 Feet | In Guerneville the intersection of HWY 116 and Drake Rd is closed. In Monte Rio Willow and Alder Streets flood. In Forestville Mirabel trailer park begins to flood. |
32.5 Feet | In Guerneville the intersecton of HWY 116 and Neeley Rd is closed. Mays Canyon Rd by the old rodeo grounds is closed. |
32.0 Feet | Flood stage. Minor flooding. Lower Mill Street in Guerneville and Old Bohemian Highway in Monte Rio are expected to flood. |
29.0 Feet | Monitor stage. |